My weekend in Bangkok, part 1
It's not always that you get to travel to a foreign country on your employer's dime. Last week, I went to a teaching institute in Bangkok. My supervisor asked me to go because of my interest in and experience with educational assessment. We're trying to better align our assessment tools with our curriculum, and since I wrote my master's thesis on that very subject he thought that I would be a good candidate to go to this particular conference. How could I say no? I flew out of Guiyang airport Thursday night on a Hebei airlines 737-800. The seats had at least a couple of inches more legroom than I'm used to on a 747 or A320, though I'm not sure if that's due to the plane itself or the airline's configuration. The Hebei staff were uniformly professional and courteous, and I wouldn't hesitate to use them on other flights. One of my seat mates was a Chinese primary school student who was happy to practice his English with me and tell me all about T...