Winter wonderland

I admit it, yesterday's snow was underwhelming. Today's snow is not. It kept coming overnight and I woke up this morning to something a little more impressive. First, the view from my window this morning: I decided to go out and check out the campus again. So, bundled up against the cold I went out and took a few pictures. Here's what greeted me as soon as I got out of the residence: Quite a bit deeper than yesterday. Probably at least two inches dropped overnight. The Christmas tree looks a bit more Christmas-y today: Can you see the athletic field? It's here, underneath a few inches of powder: Here's a closeup of the steps to the residence, just to give you an idea of how much more snow there is today: I ventured out onto the streets and it's the same pretty much everywhere. About a block away from my residence is a bus depot. The buses are prepared for the snow today, clearly: Along with snow piles there are ...