My weekend in Bangkok, part the last

This time of the year is very busy for me, as we are winding down the semester. Designing assessments, figuring out end of year performances, and all of the other end of semester tasks have taken up quite a bit of my time. I'm exhausted and ready for the semester to be over.

I've managed to curate a few more photos of my Bangkok trip, though, and I'll share a few more of them here.

The first night I was there, I found an amazing Japanese ramen place. It's been ages since I've had a proper tonkatsu ramen and I couldn't resist. Yes, I had Japanese food on my first night in Thailand.

An extremely helpful guide to making their specialty. I opted for something a little less hands-on

Ah yes, that's what I was craving. It was delicious.

There was a beautiful park on Sukhumvit road, probably around Sukhumvit 18. I spent a morning there wandering around and soaking in the atmosphere. It was full of people even at 7 AM. There were playground sections for children, and several areas that were clearly for exercising. They even had inclined benches and free weights! Lots of people were using them when I walked by. I don't know what kind of exercise culture they have in Thailand, but they definitely have one. I would love to know if it's like the exercise culture of the United States.

I don't know who these playground characters are, but I really want to.
There were a number of interesting sculptures around. I think this might have been my favorite, though I can't exactly say why.

Here are a couple more interesting ones.

And a few sculpted bushes, too! This one was the only pic that really came out well. An elephant!

There was a pyramid in the center of some kind of labyrinth.

There was a tremendous pond with a gigantic fountain in the center of it. It's tough to show the scale of it, but it really was something. I would guess something around 30-40 feet if really pressed.

When it was finally time to go home, there was a surprise waiting for me in the Bangkok airport. There was an incredible sculpture of the story of the churning of the milk ocean. I wasn't familiar with this story from Hindu mythology.

This honestly makes me want to read the whole story.
The left half of the sculpture...
the center...

and the right half.

This was a neat way to say goodbye to Bangkok. I'm looking forward to coming back some day.


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