Hong Kong architecture, or "I have this thing with buildings"

As I mentioned in the last post, the thing that stood out most to me about Hong Kong was its scale. It's quite something, and I hope that this small selection of the hundreds of photos I took while there can give you a sense of it.

First up, the view from the roof of my hotel, the Burlington on Hennessy road. It's a mere 31 floors above the ground, but it does give a useful perspective on the rest of the city.

Looking down at the street. This reminds me of the stock flyby camera pans you see in so many movies.

Looking roughly northwest

About due west of the hotel

Looking southwest

Looking down on the sports park that was near my hotel

Hong Kong has a great deal of ultramodern architecture, and I could barely walk two blocks without wanting to stop and take a picture of another striking building. I've put a few of my favorites here.

I like the perspective here. The building in the foreground contrasts nicely with the background gold and steel.
I think I'm getting better at this whole "taking pictures" thing.

This is another nice contrast, the modern glass and steel building next to the older apartment building.
There's a lot of expressive color in Hong Kong.

Blue glass seems to be a popular motif around here.

The old and the new. This is in downtown Wan Chai and I passed it almost every day. 

These skyscrapers were massive. I hope the angle shows just how impressive they were.

I took this from one of the many pedestrian footbridges in the city.  Two very different, but equally compelling buildings.

I took this in an alley off of one of the main roads in Wan Chai.  

This is another great example of the color you see everywhere in the city. It's all quite striking.

I come from earthquake country, and this building made me nervous at the same time as I thought, "that's some impressive engineering."

I took this from the sports park you can see in my rooftop photos.

As I said at the beginning, this is a small portion of the many photos I took. I'll be putting many more up in the near future.

Today's my last day in Singapore, so I'm going to spend it revisiting some places I only briefly passed through and trying out some restaurants I've seen along the way. I'll try to write up my thoughts about this fantastic city tonight, but for now I can say that it's high on my list of favorite places.


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